FAST Face Arm Speech – negative 
GCS: 15/15
Alert orientated tpp. 
CNS PNS  intact symmetrical 
EOM full rom
No nystagmus
No ataxia  
#neuro: full cns pns
Fever: nill   
Trauma impact injury: nill 
No new or progressive neurological symptoms face arms legs,
no disturbance to cognition, vision, speech. 
#neuro: CNS
Fever: nill   
Trauma impact injury: nill 
No new or progressive neurological symptoms face,
no disturbance to cognition, vision, speech 
#neuro: PNS Cervical
Fever: nill   
Trauma impact injury: nill  
Neck jolts or forces: Nill
Axillary swellings changes: Nill
No new or progressive neurological symptoms Upper limbs Hands,  
No association with neck movements
#neuro: PNS lumbosacral
Fever: nill   
Trauma impact injury: nill  
Excessive strenuous use: Nill
Heavy Lifting: nill   
No new or progressive neurological symptoms lower limbs or perineum,  
No urinary or perianal neurological symptoms 
Analgesia used: Nill  

Posture: spinal alignment: Normal 
AP Alignment: Normal cervical and lumbar lordosis
lateral Alignment: No scoliosis
Tone power reflexes symmetrical
Plantars: down going

Analgesia issued  
Naproxen with ppi cover  
Co-codamol with lactulose cover  
Gentle heat massage mobilisation posture advise  
Safety net cauda equina Urgent attention if any features